中国整体芳香疗法论坛== 芳香生活 - 自然自我 ==健康讨论 - 科学面对生活 → 市场中的蜡烛有可能危害你的健康



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市场中的蜡烛有可能危害你的健康  发帖心情 Post By:2003-11-8 9:00:37 [只看该作者]

最新发现——蜡烛的危害 New study shows candles may cause more harm than good 浪漫的情人节晚上,朦胧的点点烛光,好温馨的一幅景象!可是,陶醉其中的情侣们有没有想到,他们正备受蜡烛的毒害呢? It may be better to curse the darkness than light a candle if the candle that's burning is one that emits lead particles or large amounts of carbon. According to the American Lung Association, candles are becoming one of the most "common, unrecognized causes of poor indoor air quality," said a spokeswoman for the association's Healthy House Project. Candles made in China and the United States contain the highest levels of lead, she added. Candles designed to burn for a long period of time or to produce scents often have wicks with metallic cores made of lead or a lead alloy. In addition to releasing lead and mercury into the air, candles also emit dangerously toxic chemicals such as benzene and acetone. Studies at the University of Michigan School of Public Health also show that slow-burning, scented candles produce large quantities of soot, which can damage a home's ventilation system.


芳香疗法 - 藉由沉浸在精油的芳香之中


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等级:神乎其技 帖子:502 积分:764 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2003-5-6 14:07:02
  发帖心情 Post By:2003-11-8 18:48:59 [只看该作者]

